Lombard atmospheres
Founded by Giulio Cesare under the name of Forum Iulii – where the name Friuli comes from – in 568 BC...
Il santuario Mariano di Castelmonte sorge a 618 metri sul livello del mare, nella catena delle Prealpi Giulie e dista 9 km da Cividale del Friuli...
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The city of Udine rises in the center of the region
Friuli Venezia Giulia, surrounded by hills,
close to the sea and the mountain, on the road
L'isola del sole
Grado è un’elegante cittadina di mare con un centro storico dal fascino veneziano che si rivela tra campielli e vicoli su cui si affacciano le pittoresche case dei pescatori...
In the centre of Europe
Aquileia, an important city of the Roman Empire and then the main centre for the diffusion of Christianity in Northern and Eastern Europe, represents...
A cosmopolitan city
Beautiful and cultured, Trieste is Italy’s most cosmopolitan city. There are still echoes of the glorious...
The Fusine Lakes basin is one of the most fascinating places in the region.
The lakes of glacial origin, connected to each other by easy paths, are well inserted in a thick spruce forest and...